8. Digital trainings save money

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Video trainings save money when it comes to training new employees, onboarding training. No trainer is required to spend time repeating the same information again and again.

Many companies are not aware of the hidden costs of turnover and by this of how much they can save by reducing the training budget.

The total cost of replacing each person is the equivalent to four-and-half to five months of employee cost or about 20 percent of the cost of keeping that employee for the full two years on the job”   Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister – Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition

We all know that a new employee is quite useless on Day One even worse than useless, since someone else’s time is required to begin bringing the new person up to speed. By the end of a few months, the new person is doing some useful work; within five months, he or she is at full working capacity.

A reasonable assessment of start-up cost is therefore approximately 3 lost work-months per each new hire“   Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister – Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition

Have you calculated how much does that means for your company and your budget?

Charles A. Jaffe: It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits

In order to reduce costs with trainings that you buy from 3rd parties, ask for video trainings.  This article explains the reasons why.

In order to reduce training budget, record on video the trainings that happen cyclicly in your company and where the knowledge belongs to your employees.

The new employees become effective already from day 1 if they get assigned real tasks which are accompanied by the explaining video. With video training, they can work and learn at the same time.

All the advantages of employees’ video training are explained in this article.