1. Sleep influences learning and memory

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Are you curious about how you learn while you sleep?

Sleep is a very important factor that influences learning and memorization. This is the reason why sleep deprivation inhibits memory consolidation. Humans have more types of memory, each of them stores different types of information.

This video explains why it is important to sleep and how long to sleep influences learning positively.

Sleep disorder impairs the cognitive functions associated with learning: attention, memory, and complex decision making. This is why it should be avoided.

In order to support those having problems falling asleep, the video explains how the two components of sleep:

-the drive and

-the rhythm

shall balance together in order to enter the phase of sleep.

Sleep architecture

You will find out what are the sleep phases:

-light sleep

-deep sleep

-REM sleep

And the sleep architecture: how those 3 mix in a sleep cycle.

The REM sleep phase is the one that allows you to learn while you sleep. Because in this sleep phase, the information is transferred from short-term memory into long-term memory and becomes “permanent” memory.

If you want to sleep enough and be able to memorize more then you don’t need an alarm for waking up. You need an alarm to go to bed. From this video, you will find out how long a sleep cycle is. And how to calculate your time to go to bed in order to include enough REM phases in your sleep.