7. Advantages of digital trainings

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What are the advantages of employees’ digital training that make it worth recording the them?

Many companies use the face-to-face training method in training their employees.  The problem with this method is that it does not meet most of the employees’ needs (in this article are listed all the problems with employees’ training):

  • the time when training takes place cannot be chosen by the employee. Training is scheduled in advance by HR based on the trainer’s availability
  • later when the employee needs the information, it is not accessible because the trainer is not available
  • if the employee has other tasks and worries running in parallel with the training his attention to the training will be distributed to all his worries and TODOs and retention will be also low
  • the duration of the training cannot be flexible. Such technical trainings (Functional Safety, Software Detailed Design, Software Requirements, Unit Testing, Management etc.) take hours or even days. The human’s attention is limited to a maximum of 40 minutes. Any time spent over this attention span is wasted time and wasted information.

By creating in-house dedicated video training for employees most of the problems mentioned are avoided. Video trainings are a very flexible and consistent way of training employees:

  • the employee access the video training when he has a task to solve, in this way learning is his first priority, he is fully concentrated and the retention is high
  • video trainings can be paused when the focus is low and pauses are needed
  • the flexibility of this training solution offers the employee all the time needed to practice and apply the learned information
  • videos per se are very engaging and attention rubbing tools. Here are some statistics:
    • 82% of the global internet traffic comes from video streaming (Source: CISCO, 2019)
    • the internet users spend on average over 6 hours per week watching videos online (Limelight, 2019)
    • 85% of all internet users in the USA watched online video content monthly (Source: Statista 2018)

Using video trainings for employees ensures a higher rate of learning retention. According to the learning pyramid the retention percentage is as folowing:

  • Lecture 5%  (the lecture is actualy the face-to-face training)
  • Reading 10%
  • Audio Visual 20% (video trainings for employees, created by Automated Training, offer a great number of visual associations and animations to engage the audience, to make an impression upon the mind and support in this way learning and memory

This article presents in great detail all the advantages of employees video trainings and how the cover the shortcommings of the current trainigs methods.