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Why digital trainings for employees?


1. Knowledge presented in form of audio-video format increases retention 4 times. Lecturing offers 5% retention and audio-video presentation offers 20% retention.

2. Training the employees on the work process of the company, immediately after hiring, has a positive impact on the quality of the developed products.

3. Digital trainings save money for companies having their employees all over the world. Recording the training in one place and distributing them to all locations is much cheaper than training each new employee individually in his location.

4. Video training for employees are flexible learning method that offers each employee the possibility to learn when they have the need and the time. The firsts working months are full of new tasks and challenges. The best teaching method is to assign a task together with the corresponding video training. This is also the best motivation for learning.

Learning doesn't take place in one presentation session, learning is a process, repetition of 4 specific steps, called "The pillars of learning" and repetition is the mother of learning because it consolidates memory.